5 families,
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А это я в трусах и в майке под одеялом с головой бегу по солнечной лужайке, и мой сурок со мнойА это я в трусах и в майке под одеялом с головой бегу по солнечной лужайке, и мой сурок со мной
Далее даются описания плачевного положения дел милейшего Карла Яновича, его изношенной одежды, его скитаний по чужим углам. Описываются также и трагикомические приключения с его многострадальной рукописью, т. е. тем единственным, что все еще привязывает его к этой жизниДалее даются описания плачевного положения дел милейшего Карла Яновича, его изношенной одежды, его скитаний по чужим углам. Описываются также и трагикомические приключения с его многострадальной рукописью, т. е. тем единственным, что все еще привязывает его к этой жизни
Graphik Compact
Исследуется механизм спонтанно возникающих и саморазрушающихся коммуникаций.Исследуется механизм спонтанно возникающих и саморазрушающихся коммуникаций.
Graphik Compact
Acabáronse las vísperas, y la fiesta de Santa Ana, y quedó Preciosa algo cansada; pero tan celebrada de hermosa, de aguda y de discreta, y de bailadora, que a corrillos se hablaba della en toda la Corte. De allí a quince días volvió a Madrid con otras tres muchachas, con sonajas y con un baile nuevo, todas apercebidas de romances y de cantarcillos alegres, pero todos honestos. Pusiéronse a bailar a la sombra en la calle de Toledo, y de los que las venían siguiendo se hizo luego un gran corro; y en tanto que bailaban.Acabáronse las vísperas, y la fiesta de Santa Ana, y quedó Preciosa algo cansada; pero tan celebrada de hermosa, de aguda y de discreta, y de bailadora, que a corrillos se hablaba della en toda la Corte. De allí a quince días volvió a Madrid con otras tres muchachas, con sonajas y con un baile nuevo, todas apercebidas de romances y de cantarcillos alegres, pero todos honestos. Pusiéronse a bailar a la sombra en la calle de Toledo, y de los que las venían siguiendo se hizo luego un gran corro; y en tanto que bailaban.
Graphik Condensed
Или как будто бы кто-то невидимый подкрадется сзади, положит руки тебе на плечи и засмеется таким знакомым смехом, что и слез не сдержатьИли как будто бы кто-то невидимый подкрадется сзади, положит руки тебе на плечи и засмеется таким знакомым смехом, что и слез не сдержать
Graphik Condensed
Далее даются описания плачевного положения дел милейшего Карла Яновича, его изношенной одежды, его скитаний по чужим углам. Описываются также и трагикомические приключения с его многострадальной рукописью, т. е. тем единственным, что все еще привязывает его к этой жизниДалее даются описания плачевного положения дел милейшего Карла Яновича, его изношенной одежды, его скитаний по чужим углам. Описываются также и трагикомические приключения с его многострадальной рукописью, т. е. тем единственным, что все еще привязывает его к этой жизни
Graphik Georgian
ქართული ენა, ქართველების მშობლიური ენა, საქართველოს სახელმწიფო ენა. ქართულ ენაზე 5 მილიონზე მეტი ადამიანი ლაპარაკობს.ქართული ენა, ქართველების მშობლიური ენა, საქართველოს სახელმწიფო ენა. ქართულ ენაზე 5 მილიონზე მეტი ადამიანი ლაპარაკობს.
Graphik Georgian
ასწლიანი ომის მთავარი მიზეზი იყო ბრძოლა საფრანგეთის მიწებისათვის, რომლებიც ინგლისის მეფეებს ეპყრათ ჰენრი 2 პლანტაგენეტების დროიდან. ამ მიწებისათვის რამდე-ნიმეჯერ წამოწყებული ომი 12-13 საუკუნეები დასრულდა პარიზის ზავით, რომლის ძალით ინგლისმა შეინარჩუნა მხოლოდ აკვიტანია. დავა ამ სამფლობელოებისათვის დროდა დრო იწვევდა კონფლიქტებს. ასწლიანი ომის უშუალო მიზე ზად იქცა საფრანგეთის ტახტის მემკვიდრეობის საკითხი. ფილიპ 4 ლამაზის უმცროსი შვილის შარლ 4-ის სიკვდილით 1328 კაპეტინგების დინასტია შეწყდა.ასწლიანი ომის მთავარი მიზეზი იყო ბრძოლა საფრანგეთის მიწებისათვის, რომლებიც ინგლისის მეფეებს ეპყრათ ჰენრი 2 პლანტაგენეტების დროიდან. ამ მიწებისათვის რამდე-ნიმეჯერ წამოწყებული ომი 12-13 საუკუნეები დასრულდა პარიზის ზავით, რომლის ძალით ინგლისმა შეინარჩუნა მხოლოდ აკვიტანია. დავა ამ სამფლობელოებისათვის დროდა დრო იწვევდა კონფლიქტებს. ასწლიანი ომის უშუალო მიზე ზად იქცა საფრანგეთის ტახტის მემკვიდრეობის საკითხი. ფილიპ 4 ლამაზის უმცროსი შვილის შარლ 4-ის სიკვდილით 1328 კაპეტინგების დინასტია შეწყდა.
Graphik Armenian
Երկինքին գոյնը կը ծնի անջրպետին մէջ արեւուն արձակած լոյսէն:Երկինքին գոյնը կը ծնի անջրպետին մէջ արեւուն արձակած լոյսէն:
Graphik Armenian
Լուսինին շուրջ մթնոլորտ չկայ: Հետեւաբար անոր մակերեսին վրայ կանգնած` մենք կրնանք տեսնել սեւ երկինք մը եւ շատ աստղեր: Հրատ մոլորակին վրայ երկինքին գոյնի բնորո­շելը գիտնականներուն համար մեծ հարցեր ստեղծած է: Այդ մոլորակէն առնուած առաջին նկարները կատար­ուած են մարդամեքենաներու կողմէ, որոնց ճշգրտութիւնը որոշելը դժուար էր: Լուսինին շուրջ մթնոլորտ չկայ: Հետեւաբար անոր մակերեսին վրայ կանգնած` մենք կրնանք տեսնել սեւ երկինք մը եւ շատ աստղեր: Հրատ մոլորակին վրայ երկինքին գոյնի բնորո­շելը գիտնականներուն համար մեծ հարցեր ստեղծած է: Այդ մոլորակէն առնուած առաջին նկարները կատար­ուած են մարդամեքենաներու կողմէ, որոնց ճշգրտութիւնը որոշելը դժուար էր:

Graphik was inspired by the appealing plainness seen in many of the less common 20th century European sans serifs and in the hand-lettering of classic Swiss Modern posters. The lighter weights were influenced by the less popular sans serifs that many European foundries released to compete with Futura, Helvetica and Univers, the juggernauts of 20th century sans serifs. These influences included Neuzeit Grotesk, Folio, Recta, and Maxima. The heavy end of the family is inspired in part by Paul Renner’s Plak, a relatively obscure display typeface cut only in large sizes.

First drawn as the house style for Schwartzco Inc., it was further developed for Condé Nast Portfolio and later for Wallpaper* and T, the New York Times Style Magazine. The low contrast and large x-height give the typeface great versatility. It is suitable for display purposes as well as for text sizes, captions and for such specific tasks as navigation systems and map-making. By the way, the web-site of type.today is set in Graphik. The typeface is available in nine weights, with italics, each with five sets of figures.

The Cyrillic extension was drawn by Ilya Ruderman (CSTM Fonts) in 2015.


Standard ligatures, proportional lining figures, proportional oldstyle figures, tabular lining figures, tabular oldstyle figures, ordinals, fractions, denominator, numerator, subscript / inferiors, superscript / superiors, two stylistic sets, case sensitive forms, five stylistic sets, slashed zero, four stylistic sets, contextual ligatures, three stylistic sets


Afrikaans, Armenian, Azeri (cyr), Azeri (lat), Bashkir, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chechen, Chuvash, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Gaelic (Irish), Galician, Georgian, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ingush, Italian, Kazakh, Kurdish (lat), Kyrghiz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Moldavian (cyr), Mongolian (cyr), Mongolian (lat), Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Tadzhik, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Uzbek (lat), and others


Commercial Type

Based in New York and London, Commercial Type is a joint venture between Paul Barnes and Christian Schwartz, who have collaborated since 2004 on various typeface projects, most notably the award winning Guardian Egyptian. The company publishes retail fonts developed by Barnes and Schwartz, their staff, and outside collaborators, and also represents the two and their team when they work together on type design projects. Following the redesign of The Guardian, the team headed by Mark Porter, including Barnes and Schwartz, was awarded the coveted Black Pencil by the D&AD. The team was also nominated for the Design Museum’s “Designer of the Year” prize. In September 2006, Barnes and Schwartz were named two of the 40 most influential designers under 40 in Wallpaper*.

Christian Schwartz

Christian Schwartz, a type designer and one of the founders of the type foundry Commercial Type, lives and works in New York. A graduate of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pa., he worked for a time at MetaDesign in Berlin. After returning to the United States, he worked at type studio Font Bureau, going independent in 2001. In 2007, he and London designer Paul Barnes founded Commercial Type. The studio’s projects include typefaces for The Guardian, Esquire, T (The New York Times Style Magazine), the Empire State Building and Sprint. Also in 2007 Schwartz was awarded the prestigious Prix Charles Peignot, given to designers under 35 years of age for “outstanding contributions to type design.” He has been on the short list of the Museum of Design, in London, as Designer of the Year and was rated among the top 40 most influential designers under 40 years of age by Wallpaper* and on Time’s list of top 100 designers.

Typefaces by Christian Schwartz: FF Bau, Farnham, Graphik, Guardian, Neue Haas Grotesk, Kommissar, Neutraface, Produkt, Stag

Ilya Ruderman

Ilya is a type and graphic designer and teacher, lives and works in Barcelona. He is a graduate of the Moscow State University of the Printing Arts (2002), where his graduation project was done under the supervision of Alexander Tarbeev. He has a MA degree in type design from the Type & Media program at the Royal Academy of Art in the Hague (2005). After completing the program, he returned to Moscow, where he has collaborated for a number of media: Kommersant, Afisha, Moskovskiye Novosti, Bolshoi Gorod and Men’s Health Russia. In 2005-2007 he was art director for Afisha’s city guidebooks, following which he was art director for RIA-Novosti, a news agency, for several years. In 2007–2015 he has also supervised the curriculum in type and typography at the British Higher School of Art and Design in Moscow. He has been very active as a consultant on Cyrillic since 2008. In 2014 he founded CSTM Fonts with Yury Ostromentsky.

Typefaces by Ilya Ruderman: BigCity Grotesque Pro, Kazimir, Kazimir Text, Navigo, Permian (a typeface-brand for the city of Perm) and Cyrillic versions of: Austin, Dala Floda, Graphik, Marlene, Moscow Sans (as a consultant), Typonine Sans, Thema.

CSTM Fonts

Ilya Ruderman and Yury Ostromentsky (CSTM Fonts)

They are both graphic and type designers. Founders of CSTM Fonts (2014) type foundry and a new font distributor type.today (2016).

Graduated from Moscow State University of Print (Graphic Design Department), where they took Alexander Tarbeev’s classes. Later Ilya Ruderman graduated from Type & Media (Royal Academy of Art), the Hague, the Netherlands. After graduation he was a tutor of Type&Typography course at British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow (2008-2015), was an art-director of information agency RIA Novosti. He is an author of cyrillic versions of such typeface as Lava, Graphik, Neutraface and others, that was made for such studios as Typotheque, Commercial Type, Typonine and House Industries. He is an author of: Permian typeface, Big City Grotesque and several other corporate typefaces.

Before 2013 Yury Ostromentsky worked mostly as an editorial designer and art-director of BigCity Magazine, where he used his personal lettering, that was the base of the Pilar typeface, released by CSTM Fonts last year. He is an author of several book series designs and logotypes.

Both typefaces of Ilya Ruderman and Yury Ostromentsky were the winners of such type design competitions as Modern Cyrillic 2009, Modern Cyrillic 2014, Granshan 2011, European Design Award 2012. Kazimir typeface and Tele2 Typefamily, the CSTM Fonts’s latest releases, were among the winners of Granshan 2015.

Hrvoje Živčić

Hrvoje Živčić (born 1986) lives and works in Zagreb, Croatia where he studied visual communications at School of Design, University of Zagreb and earned his master degree in 2010. In 2011 he was selected, together with Dario Dević, as one of the best New Visual Artists under 30 by New York’s Print Magazine. In 2012 he earned another master degree, this time from Type and Media course at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in the Hague. His diploma typeface Mote was published in 2013 by Typonine. These days he teaches typography at School of Design in Zagreb and works on type and graphic design projects, ranging from custom signage typefaces to editorial and book design.

Yury Ostromentsky

Graphic and type designer, co-founder of type.today store. Graduate of the Moscow State University of Printing Arts (Department of Arts and Technical Design of Printed Materials). Yury worked as a designer and art director for publishers and design studios. From 2004 to 2012, he was art director with Bolshoy Gorod (Big City) magazine. In 2004, he and lya Ruderman, Dmitry Yakovlev, and Daria Yarzhambek launched the DailyType webpage. Later in 2014, Yury and Ilya Ruderman founded CSTM Fonts type design studio which released Pilar, Big City Grotesque, Kazimir, Navigo, Normalidad, RIA Typeface, Lurk, Loos, Maregraph typefaces and CSTM Xprmntl series, as well as Cyrillic versions of Druk, Graphik, Spectral, Stratos and Apoc. The works by Ostromentsky and CSTM Fonts were awarded by European Design Award, Granshan and Modern Cyrillic Competition.

Khajag Apelian

Khajag Apelian is a lettering artist, type and graphic designer. Having grown up between Dubai and Beirut, and being raised in an Armenian family, Khajag has an affinity for different languages and writing systems, which he has applied to the development of typefaces in many scripts, including Arabic, Armenian, and Latin. He designed Arek, a typeface that was awarded the Grand Prize at Granshan 2010 Type Design Competition, and was among the winners of Letter.2, the 2nd international type design competition organized by the Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI). He currently operates under the name “debakir” (Armenian for “printed type”), and is in constant collaboration with different type foundries and design studios, such as Commercial Type, Bold Monday, Typotheque and Morcos Key. He has worked with various international brands including IBM, Apple, Samsung and Disney ME. Khajag also teaches design courses at the American University of Beirut.

Font in use