Относительная сложность фонетических систем различных языков обуславливает наличие алфавитов неодинакового размера.Относительная сложность фонетических систем различных языков обуславливает наличие алфавитов неодинакового размера.
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Jean-Baptiste Levée works methodically in a process where history and technology are approached altogether within the nuances of artistry. He manufactures functional, yet versatile digital platforms for designers to build upon.

Levée has designed over a hundred typefaces for industry, moving pictures, fashion and media. He is the founder of the independent foundry Production Type, and a partner in tech startup Prototypo. His work has won multiple awards and has been shown internationally in group and solo shows. It is featured in the permanent collections of the French national library (BnF), the Decorative Arts museum of Paris and the National Center of arts (Cnap); of the Newberry Library in Chicago, and several printing museums in Europe. He is a board member at ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale) and consults as a design expert advisor for the French Public Investment Bank (BPI) where he is contributing to the spread of design in innovative businesses.

Levée curates exhibitions on typeface design, organizes research symposiums and teaches typeface design at the Amiens school of Arts & Design and at the University of Corte. He is a typography columnist and editor on Pointypo.com.