We divided the type design process into four stages. The first is sketching and drafting, the
In this material, we share what music our authors listen to while sketching. You can listen to the full playlist on Spotify, Apple Music, and **SoundCloud.
- Alja Herlah Spektra
- Type Salon, co-founder
- Anna Seslavinskaya Healthgoth
- Be Unicorn, creative director
- Anya Danilova Normalidad
- Independent type designer
- CSTM Fonts Guild Maregraphe Kazimir Pilar Navigo
- type.today, founders
- Daria Cohen Zloy
- Independent type designer
- Denis Bashev Windward
- Independent creative designer
I work in silence or with jazz radio The Giant of Jazz, playing in the living room.
- Elena Novoselova NWT Bodoni Agse
- Independent type designer, educator
- Emmanuel Besse Signal
- Formagari, founder
- Fer Cozzi Tomasa
- Independent type designer, educator
- Jean-Baptiste Levée Spectral Proto Grotesk Tesseract
- Production Type
- Jordi Embodas Trola
- Independent type designer
- Mikhail Strukov Maregraphe Windward
- CSTM Fonts, type designer
- Mona Franz Grato и Gratimo
- Just Your Type, co-founder
- Nikita Kanarev Archaism
- Independent type designer
- NaumType Base&Bloom
- Independent type foundry
- Pizza Typefaces Metal
- Independent type and graphic design studio
- Rodion Ilyukhin Retiler
- Independent product and type designer
- Vera Evstafieva Amalta
- Independent type designer, calligrapher
When I turn on music, it’s usually as background. Right now I’m listening to music from my childhood, it gives me a feeling of calmness and timelessness. It’s music by guitarist Francis Goya. The exact record that my parents used to play is available on YouTube, in some places it even jams just like it used to.