Относительная сложность фонетических систем различных языков обуславливает наличие алфавитов неодинакового размера.Относительная сложность фонетических систем различных языков обуславливает наличие алфавитов неодинакового размера.

Anna is a San Francisco-based multidisciplinary designer and art direсtor. She studied at the British Higher School of Art and Design in Moscow (2013), Digital Art and Design. Firstly, designing fonts was a hobby of hers, but eventually she dug deeper and got into the field. She currently works as a lead designer and art director for startups. Her work has been honored at D&AD and awwwards. Typefaces by Anna Seslavinskaya: Health Goth, Sanity, Sangha, Sangha Kali, the Latin version of Twelkmeyer.