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NWT Bodoni
Согласно Книге рекордов Гиннесса, больше всего букв в алфавите кхмерского языкаСогласно Книге рекордов Гиннесса, больше всего букв в алфавите кхмерского языка
NWT Bodoni
The Latin alphabet was used in the earliest Asturian texts. Although the Academia de la Llingua Asturiana published orthographic rules in 1981, different spelling rules are used in Terra de Miranda.The Latin alphabet was used in the earliest Asturian texts. Although the Academia de la Llingua Asturiana published orthographic rules in 1981, different spelling rules are used in Terra de Miranda.
NWT Bodoni
Acabáronse las vísperas, y la fiesta de Santa Ana, y quedó Preciosa algo cansada; pero tan celebrada de hermosa, de aguda y de discreta, y de bailadora, que a corrillos se hablaba della en toda la Corte. De allí a quince días volvió a Madrid con otras tres muchachas, con sonajas y con un baile nuevo, todas apercebidas de romances y de cantarcillos alegres, pero todos honestos. Pusiéronse a bailar a la sombra en la calle de Toledo, y de los que las venían siguiendo se hizo luego un gran corro; y en tanto que bailaban.Acabáronse las vísperas, y la fiesta de Santa Ana, y quedó Preciosa algo cansada; pero tan celebrada de hermosa, de aguda y de discreta, y de bailadora, que a corrillos se hablaba della en toda la Corte. De allí a quince días volvió a Madrid con otras tres muchachas, con sonajas y con un baile nuevo, todas apercebidas de romances y de cantarcillos alegres, pero todos honestos. Pusiéronse a bailar a la sombra en la calle de Toledo, y de los que las venían siguiendo se hizo luego un gran corro; y en tanto que bailaban.
NWT Bodoni
Prince John held his high festival in the Castle of Ashby. This was not the same building of which the stately ruins still interest the traveller, and which was erected at a later period by the Lord Hastings, High Chamberlain of England, one of the first victims of the tyranny of Richard the Third, and yet better known as one of Shakspeare’s characters than by his historical fame. The castle and town of Ashby, at this time, belonged to Roger de Quincy.Prince John held his high festival in the Castle of Ashby. This was not the same building of which the stately ruins still interest the traveller, and which was erected at a later period by the Lord Hastings, High Chamberlain of England, one of the first victims of the tyranny of Richard the Third, and yet better known as one of Shakspeare’s characters than by his historical fame. The castle and town of Ashby, at this time, belonged to Roger de Quincy.

NWT Bodoni is based on the letters as drawn in Manuale Tipografico, the book by punch-cutter and publisher Giambattista Bodoni. For Bodoni NWT, only the drawings of 9-12-point letters were used.

NWT Bodoni preserves the traditional features of Modern serifs: a strictly vertical stroke axis for the ovals; high contrast between stems and horizontal strokes; long, thin, unbracketed serifs.

Elena Novoselova, the designer of the face, created it specifically for text sizes. As a result it has lower contrast than existing Cyrillic versions of Bodoni and can be used for long texts. The typesetting is compact and even. Particularly noteworthy are the minuscule figures, the overall rhythm of the italic and the distinctive look of several symbols.


Proportional lining figures, proportional oldstyle figures, standard ligatures, case sensitive forms, tabular lining figures


Afrikaans, Azeri (cyr), Bashkir, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Chuvash, Czech, Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Gaelic (Irish), Galician, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Kazakh, Kyrghiz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Moldavian (cyr), Mongolian (cyr), Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Spain, Swedish, Tadzhik, Tatar, Turkmen, Udmurt, Ukrainian, Uzbek (lat)


Elena Novoselova

Elena Novoselova is a type designer and calligrapher. She is a graduate of the Moscow State University of Printing Arts (2006), studying in the type design workshop of Alexander Tarbeev. She also teaches at the British Higher School of Art and Design in Moscow. Since 2007 she has been a member of the jury for the Zapf Games, a calligraphy competition. In 2006–2011 she worked as a type designer and calligrapher at the Art. Lebedev Studio. She was part of the Letterwork.ru project as a designer of logos.

Typefaces by Elena Novoselova: ALS Mirta, ALS Klementina, ALS Dereza, ALS Bingley, ALS Mezzo, ALS Heino and NWT Bodoni.
