14 styles,
  • Desktop
  • Web
  • App
Input Sans Condensed
Вместе получается: «Неделима наша доля. Наша ноша нелегка».Вместе получается: «Неделима наша доля. Наша ноша нелегка».
Input Sans Condensed
Исследуется механизм спонтанно возникающих и саморазрушающихся коммуникаций.Исследуется механизм спонтанно возникающих и саморазрушающихся коммуникаций.
Input Sans Condensed
Der Herausgeber versprach, sein Bestes zu tun für den schriftstellerischen Kollegen. Etwas verwunderlich wollt es ihm nun wohl bedünken, als sein Freund ihm gestand, daß das Manuskript von einem Kater, Murr geheißen, herrühre, und dessen Lebensansichten enthalte; das Wort war jedoch gegeben, und da der Eingang der Historie ihm ziemlich gut stilisiert schien, so lief er sofort, mit dem Manuskript in der Tasche.Der Herausgeber versprach, sein Bestes zu tun für den schriftstellerischen Kollegen. Etwas verwunderlich wollt es ihm nun wohl bedünken, als sein Freund ihm gestand, daß das Manuskript von einem Kater, Murr geheißen, herrühre, und dessen Lebensansichten enthalte; das Wort war jedoch gegeben, und da der Eingang der Historie ihm ziemlich gut stilisiert schien, so lief er sofort, mit dem Manuskript in der Tasche.
Input Sans Condensed
Prince John held his high festival in the Castle of Ashby. This was not the same building of which the stately ruins still interest the traveller, and which was erected at a later period by the Lord Hastings, High Chamberlain of England, one of the first victims of the tyranny of Richard the Third, and yet better known as one of Shakspeare’s characters than by his historical fame. The castle and town of Ashby, at this time, belonged to Roger de Quincy.Prince John held his high festival in the Castle of Ashby. This was not the same building of which the stately ruins still interest the traveller, and which was erected at a later period by the Lord Hastings, High Chamberlain of England, one of the first victims of the tyranny of Richard the Third, and yet better known as one of Shakspeare’s characters than by his historical fame. The castle and town of Ashby, at this time, belonged to Roger de Quincy.

Input is a collection designed to satisfy any typographic needs of coders. Sans, Serif and Mono fonts will help make a complicated structure of a code clearer and more attractive visually, as well as slightly remind of the aesthetics of pixel fonts from the screens of first computers.

Input has large letter spacing and large punctuation which makes the font easier to read even on the screen filled with small-sized text. Don’t hesitate to use Input if you are writing a code in Cyrillic — this part of the job was advised by Maria Doreuli. You also shouldn’t be afraid of using Input if you don’t do coding at all — the typeface has already made it to design of a music show at London’s Apple Store, for example, as well as to an election campaign by the US Vice President Kamala Harris.


Standard ligatures, fractions, ordinals, denominator, numerator, subscript / inferiors, superscript / superiors, slashed zero, ten stylistic sets


Afrikaans, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Gaelic (Irish), Galician, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Kurdish (lat), Latvian, Lithuanian, Mongolian (lat), Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek (lat), and others


David Jonathan Ross

David Jonathan Ross is a type designer from LA, graduate of Hampshire College, founder of the artist residence Open Studio and co-curator of an archive of the cursive signs of Los Angeles.

Since May 2017, Ross has been sending one font a month to the Font of the Month’s subscribers, all while sharing the scripts for improving those on GitHub for free. Many of his popular typefaces — such as Fit, Forma, or Roslindale — first appeared precisely in those letters to the members of the Font of the Month.
