7 styles,
  • Desktop
  • Web
  • App
Nekst Mono
А это я в трусах и в майке под одеялом с головой бегу по солнечной лужайке, и мой сурок со мнойА это я в трусах и в майке под одеялом с головой бегу по солнечной лужайке, и мой сурок со мной
Nekst Mono
Исследуется механизм спонтанно возникающих и саморазрушающихся коммуникаций.Исследуется механизм спонтанно возникающих и саморазрушающихся коммуникаций.
Nekst Mono
А потом как-то неожиданно присмирел, затих, даже плакать перестал. Но смотреть на него никто не решался. А к ночи куда-то исчез. Искали да так и не нашли…А потом как-то неожиданно присмирел, затих, даже плакать перестал. Но смотреть на него никто не решался. А к ночи куда-то исчез. Искали да так и не нашли…
Nekst Mono
Prince John held his high festival in the Castle of Ashby. This was not the same building of which the stately ruins still interest the traveller, and which was erected at a later period by the Lord Hastings, High Chamberlain of England, one of the first victims of the tyranny of Richard the Third, and yet better known as one of Shakspeare’s characters than by his historical fame. The castle and town of Ashby, at this time, belonged to Roger de Quincy.Prince John held his high festival in the Castle of Ashby. This was not the same building of which the stately ruins still interest the traveller, and which was erected at a later period by the Lord Hastings, High Chamberlain of England, one of the first victims of the tyranny of Richard the Third, and yet better known as one of Shakspeare’s characters than by his historical fame. The castle and town of Ashby, at this time, belonged to Roger de Quincy.

Nekst Mono inherited all the best the original Nekst could boast: a complicated, quirky personality with a slight Futuristic vibe, some hints of old-time grotesques, and seven weights ranging from Thin to Black.

Monospaced Nekst also has this OpenType feature which can be used to display blackout poetry or highlight the fact that something has been censored.


Case sensitive forms, standard ligatures, discretionary ligatures, proportional lining figures, proportional oldstyle figures, tabular lining figures, tabular oldstyle figures, ordinals, denominator, numerator, subscript / inferiors, superscript / superiors, seven stylistic sets, fractions


Afrikaans, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Gaelic (Irish), Galician, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Kurdish (lat), Latvian, Lithuanian, Mongolian (lat), Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek (lat)


Denis Serebryakov

Denis is a font and graphic designer working in Minsk. His interest in type design stems from the development of logotypes: every logo greatly affected the look of fonts, all being display. He released the first retail typeface in 2011. Among his typefaces are Appetite Pro, Bouquet, Canapa, Displace 2.0, Epos, Rozza, and others.
