Исследуется механизм спонтанно возникающих и саморазрушающихся коммуникаций.Исследуется механизм спонтанно возникающих и саморазрушающихся коммуникаций.

Jordi Embodas (Barcelona, 1977) is a Barcelona-based graphic and type designer. He studied graphic design at Elisava from 1995 to 1999, studying for one term at the Universität GH Essen (Germany). He worked as a graphic designer at Estudi Juste Calduch from 2001 to 2015, and has been designing text typefaces since 2005. He teaches typography at Barcelona’s design schools and occasionallly offers educational talks within the Spanish typographic scene.

From his hometown of Barcelona, Jordi Embodas founded Tipografies (Catalan for ‘typefaces’) in 2010, mainly to show and promote his typefaces. He began designing fonts as a hobby in 2008, and specialized in text fonts considered more complete, useful and durable. He is currently working as a type designer and is involved in several custom fonts projects.