Type After Tomorrow, episode 02

A new selection of designers who will (probably) define what we will see in our Instagram feed next month

October 19, 2023

Here’s our regular feature where @tomorrow.type.today curator Timur Zima shares his Instagram As some members of our team are living in Russia we have to follow the Russian law. According to the law, every time we post links to Instagram or Facebook we have to mention the fact that these socials belong to Meta, which was recognized as extremist by the Ministry of Justice if the Russian Federation subscriptions.


After an internship with Philippe Apeloig, Roman Seban worked one year at Louvre. Then he created his own design studio working for several clients in the cultural field on various-scale projects. Roman is currently living between Paris (his studio quarters) and Brittany, where he teaches graphic design at EESAB-Lorient.

Selected project: Bertin

The modular typeface collection Bertin is inspired by the work of the famous French cartographer Jacques Bertin and Dutch graphic designer Jurriaan Schrofer. In 1967, Bertin published Semiology of Graphics: Diagrams, Networks, Maps, a fundamental treatise in contemporary cartographic thinking establishing a series of parameters for representing information, defining six visual variables which he used to construct his graphical system. In 1973, Jurriaan Schrofer designed the cover of the book’s reprint proposing a typographic application of Bertin’s graphical system.

With Bertin, Roman Seban presents a synthetic and revitalised interpretation of both the cartographer’s and the graphic designer’s work. The Bertin collection contains two families, Bertin Dot and Bertin Square, built with an identical frame, but based on two different modules. Both Dot and Square include 6 variation axes, case sensitive punctuation and a number of ornaments. Bertin collection is available in the 205TF shop.

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Guillermo Garcia Diaz or 60 KILOS is a graphic designer based in Jaén, Spain. After graduating from the Design and Photography department at EASD José Nogué, he decided to work independently collaborating only with ethical companies that communicate values that resonate universally alongside with cherishing authenticity.

Selected project: Galipos

Galipos is a display typeface inspired by Andalusian society, its past and present. Galipos seeks to represent the struggle of the people, the union and the brotherhood of a society marked by its historical marginalisation with respect to the rest of Spain. It’s a gesture of support to the forgotten, the marginalised, the judged and mistreated.

Galipos now includes 2 styles: an upright and italic with extended Latin and Cyrillic support. It’s currently available on Type Department’s website.

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Dae Huen Lee started his independent practice soon after graduating from École Estienne in Paris. He considers musicality to be the main component of a captivating experience and injects notions of rhythm, tension and release into any of his visual works.

Selected project: WIP Typeface

The letters of the yet unnamed typeface were thought-out as if they were holding their breath, full of tension and ready to release. Dae Huen Lee tried to increase the amount of scratch-like strokes till the letters became barely readable. He used a similar method while creating Gosna, Dae’s typeface featured in the New Aesthetic Magazine.

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Ravi Maher was born in India but is now living in Bristol, UK. After attending an art school, he realised that academic education wasn’t the right fit for him. For a few years he worked as a freelance designer focusing on branding and recently joined the design team of an environmental organisation alongside building his own type foundry. As someone who identifies as neurodiverse, Ravi tries to make his work as inclusive as possible by approaching problems with unconventional solutions.

Selected project: Terrain

Terrain is a futuristic display typeface inspired by the works of Dutch designer Wim Crouwel. Crafted to embody his groundbreaking style, Terrain features distinct characteristics, such as ink traps and a rigid quality. With an interplay between sharp angles and sleek curves, it exudes forward-thinking modernity. Terrain stands as a testament to Crouwel’s influence, inviting designers to explore new horizons.

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