Na primeira acepción é sinónimo de abecedario e na segunda úsaseNa primeira acepción é sinónimo de abecedario e na segunda úsase

Professional type design, lettering and design with type: that’s the field of work in which the Vienna-based studio and type foundry operates day by day. Their credo is ‘Always work and think whole-hearted — with or without serif’.

Since 2008, the small and independent Austrian foundry creates big type families, like Ingeborg and Henriette, or display fonts for their casual collection: Typejockey’s Shots. Several of them were awarded by notable institutions, including Type Directors Club New York and European Design Award.

Typejockeys developed custom type for OMV, Austrian Post, mobile phone and broadband internet provider 3 (Drei), the City of Graz and others. They work on environmental projects such as signage for buildings, architectural branding or park house orientation, draw logotypes for agencies or publishing houses and create letterings of all kinds.