Теперь послушайте, что он говорит. Все понятно? Хорошо…Теперь послушайте, что он говорит. Все понятно? Хорошо…
Что не претендует ни на что?Что не претендует ни на что?

Susana Carvalho (1979, Porto, Portugal) studied communication design at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Lisbon (FBAUL). In 2004 she moved to the Netherlands to complete the TypeMedia MA programme at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (KABK). Recently her interest in education led her to pursue a MEd in Education in Arts at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam where she researched the potential of space as a pedagogical tool in the graphic design classroom. She defended her thesis “Counterspace: Classroom Space as a Pedagogic Tool” in March 2019. She founded Atelier Carvalho Bernau in 2005 with her partner Kai Bernau. Тhe studio focuses on reading experiences, from printed matter to screen based media, from typefaces to intricate typographic structures. She was a founding member of the design collective Open Work in 2014. Apart from the studio practice she has been teaching at KABK since 2002 and has been a guest tutor, leading workshops and giving lectures throughout Europe.