Алфавит отличается от пиктографического письма, где знаки обозначают понятияАлфавит отличается от пиктографического письма, где знаки обозначают понятия

Denis Bashev is graphic designer, head of Dilettant studio. Author of many logos and visual identities, including sport-themed pictograms for the 2014 Winter Olympics and corporate identities for the British electrobus manufacturer Arrival and https://silasveta.com/ Multimedia Production Studio. Delivered lectures and taught at the HSE Art and Design School, British Higher School of Design, Strelka Institute, Ikra school of innovations and creative thinking, Bang Bang Education. Awarded by Red Dot Design Award, Adc, Red Apple and many others. Denis is into type and typography. In 2020, supported by CSTM Fonts (namely by Mikhail Strukov, Ilya Ruderman, and Yury Ostromentsky), he released his first typeface, Windward.